The Fam Roundup: October 2023

Check out the INCREDIBLE lineup of accomplishments from our Split Lip FAM this October! We’re so lucky to be a part of this stellar writing community! 


  • Former managing editor Amy Rossi’s debut novel THE MAKING OF BIRDIE RHODES was acquired by Mira

  • Former Poetry Editor Marianne Chan’s forthcoming poetry collection, LEAVING BIDDLE CITY, is available for pre-order

  • Dorothy Chan’s fifth book, RETURN OF THE CHINESE FEMME, is available for pre-order

  • Contributor SJ Sindu launched a new story collection THE GOTH HOUSE EXPERIMENT at Books are Magic Montague

  • Diane Gottlieb published AWAKENINGS: STORIES OF BODY & CONSCIOUSNESS, a CNF anthology

  • SarahFawn Montgomery and Poetry editor Rita Mookerjee are working with Sundress on an accessible text about unlearning the ableist workshop and developing a disabled writing practice

  • Joshua Garcia’s book PENTIMENTO is now available for pre-order

  • Shane McCrae’s poetry collection with FSG, THE MANY HUNDREDS OF SCENT, is out now

  • K-Ming Chang’s new book ORGAN MEATS is out

Publications, Interviews, & Reviews

Awards, Honors, & News

  • Social media director SG Huerta got engaged!

  • Leila Renee is teaching a generative workshop with Writing Workshops 

  • Jennifer Wortman taught a class on transcending cliche in flash with Smokelong 

  • Matthew Tuckner is the new Assistant Editor of Quarterly West

  • Julia Kolchinsky Dasbach’s essay “Zombie Tag” won Michigan Quarterly Review's 2023 James A. Winn Prize

  • Tommy Dean won Exposition Review’s Micro Contest for his piece “When the Light Is Just Right”

  • Poetry reader Jessica Nirvana Ram is a 2022 Prairie Schooner Prize winner

  • Tendon, the medical humanities lit mag that Staffer Sarah Roth helps run published a new issue on injury

  • Memoir reader Camille U. Adams has a notable essay in 2022 Best American Essays: “Go Down in De Pantry, Said the Mother to Her Child” from Kweli Journal

  • Josh McColough has an essay published in The Best American Science and Nature Writing 2023

  • Inter/e/views editor Daniel Garcia’s essay originally published in Quarterly West, “August 30th, 2017,” is a Notable Essay in The Best American Essays 2023

  • Taylor Byas’s I DONE CLICKED MY HEELS THREE TIMES was the second ever poetry winner for the Maya Angelou Book Award

    • EXTENDED STAY by past flash fiction contest judge Juan Martinez and I DONE CLICKED MY HEELS THREE TIMES by contributor Taylor Byas are on the 2023 Chicago Review of Books CHIRBy Awards Shortlist

  • Lucie Britsch sold television rights for her novel THOUGHTLESS to Toluca Pictures

  • Managing editor Wendy Oleson’s piece “Like Wormwood on the Lips” was a 2023 Peatsmoke Journal Flash Contest winner

  • Contributor and former contributing editor Christopher Gonzalez is judging Atticus Review’s 2023 fiction contest for collaborative stories


