Posts in 2024

That fall, when my best friend, Iris, is away visiting her grandmother and I am bored, I find myself hanging around with Nancy. She had come to our commune, Sunnyridge, alone in the summer and stayed on for months

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memoir, 2024SLMLeah Korican
Contraband Marginalia

I promised to keep track of my pen, lest it become a tattoo kit. As a treat to end security training, the sergeant showed me the Wall of Fame. Flanked by photos of sheriff deputies recognized for outstanding service, a glass case contained the best arts and crafts confiscated during shakedowns: an elaborate board game, intricate carvings on bars of soap, and a garrote made from toilet paper.

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What Time Is It?

Draw a circle on the blank page. Put the numbers in first: start with the 12, swing down to the 3, then over to the 6, and finally up to the 9. Draw the other numbers if you want, but they aren’t required. 

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memoir, 2024SLMJeff Wood
Fairy Godfather

In May of 1985, my first play, Bonds & Options, was in rehearsals at New York University. I was renting a futon in an alcove in Flushing where the cockroaches did compulsory exercises, Gangnam Style, on the kitchen countertops, and I took the 7 train into Manhattan five days a week.

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memoir, 2024SLMJames Magruder

My hair is coming in faster now. Or I’d never noticed how fast it grew before. I shave my head every  winter. Not because everything’s dying and not because everything that pretends to die will come  back, but because there’s not much else to do.

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memoir, 2024SLMTR Brady